Tag Archive | work from home

House Of Beautiful Hair Bless To Success Group

(Created a video for my internet family who enjoy listening to blogs and posted script for my readers, Enjoy!)

Hey My internet family this ya sister getting back online I know it’s been a minute but I have been receiving your guys’ emails, I missed you guys too but let me tell you what I have been up to, oh and you guys I have a new YouTube channel as well okay remember those reviews that I was doing about that online hair weave company The House Of Beautiful Hair, I told you guys how they pay you to wear their hair and to refer people to website. Paying you every time a person whom you refer makes a purchase through your link that they give to you and when they refer a person you get paid and when those people refer others you get paid when you join into the company as a Customer rep.

Okay so the owners reached out to me and made me a Team Leader over their several hundred reps across the nation you guys how awesome is that! Your sister at the top surely Jesus is still in the blessing business. Which brings me to the next reason I made this video, Not only am I A Team Leader for the House Of Beautiful Hair Company I am also a customer rep, I am building a team of go getters, my personal team is called Bless to success, because I believe that in order to be successful in life you have to bless and help others also I heard a billionaire say that you can have anything you want in life if you just help a few people get what they want and I have never forgot that so that’s why I named my personal team bless to success and I have come back to get you all my family on board blessed towards your success as well. I really feel like Joseph going away for a season to prepare a way for his family during a time famine in the land. I’ve gotten so many testimonies from people who have said they have just lost their jobs or their hours have been cut, my own hours were cut down to like 3 hours wk so I know about a financial famine. I even heard sadly that Detroit which is my home town had filed for bankruptcy and that those city employees are going to lose out on their pension and retirement benefits. Thats not right we can no longer depend on a reg. job today.

Thats not right So I am sent back here to be a blessing to help as many people as I can attain a secure income. I want all of my YouTube family on my team so that I can personally coach you and answer your questions and help you to build your team. My personal team is quite spoiled and I love it we have a ball working together building our team and making money, I have a real superstar on my team named Nikki Avera she is my Lead Go-getter on my personal team Bless to success she also is fire, if you know her connect, sign up and get onboard with her as well I will put her info down there too! So it doesn’t matter whose team you join I place people under her because she is a real leader and I want to see her at the top and you too so either one of us just connect with us because we are going to the top because we truly love what we do in helping people, so let us help you. Click on one of the links above or below go to the website and click on earn cash, watch the presentation click join, sign up for a free customer account upgrade pay the small $9.97 and make one purchase bundle of hair to automatically be upgraded to a Customer rep. and you now can build a team to maximize your income getting paid from multiple people and their sales.

Also on your face book pg go to the search box and type in House of Beautiful Hair Bless to Success that My personal team group where after you sign up you will go for 24/7 support from myself and Nikki Avera personally so you will not be alone we just started that fb group so that we can give new sign ups that one on one they need. Get onboard help us bless others also this company actually gives back they are partnering up with a company that makes medical wigs for children with alopecia sending in donations to help those babies and for every sign up my personal team Bless to success team we will donate a portion to the foundation as well, and because like I said I love spoiling my team I actually am going to do some spoiling of 10 new people a week who sign up as a customer Rep in the same day, I will have made a personalized video commercial with your personal house of beautiful hair info on it for your customers to see and get signed up from.

I made Nikki Avera One recently and for two days straight as I was on the phone with her talking business people kept calling her about signing up so I’ll make 10 Customer Reps sign ups a week one to boost your business too, you guys are so spoiled but that’s okay i am too. My birthday is coming up so you already know let the spoilage begin now. lol . So anyway let’s get started making you some today okay so click the links below and get started I will see you in the House of beautiful hair bless to success group, if you go there right now we will be there to assist you if your serious about making this money you can also call me if you need help getting set up right away if your just unsure how at 734-707 7899. To your success guys I’ll see ya in the group.

Additional info: “House Of Beautiful Hair Bless To Success Group” Our mission is to bless as many as we can with the House Of Beautiful Hair. After watching this watch the presentation and sign up at http://uniquelycreativehair.com/ “Earn Cash” option Join and contact Nikki Avera or Dawnb Anderson bka (Truthseekr5000) at http://www.all4yrbenefit.com or 734-707-7899 to get started immediately! after signing up or for more info Join our on Fb “House Of Beautiful Hair Bless To Success” Group for 24/7 support. Here https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=561672323889580&notif_t=video_processed

*First 10 sign ups as Customer Reps get a free personalized commercial to promote their H.O.B.H. business!*

Visit HOUSE OF BEAUTIFUL HAIR AT http://www.all4yrbenefit.com Sign Up Today and Lets Go Get It!
